Friday, July 28, 2006


looks like there might be a raise in the minimum wage... and it's coming from the republicans. looks like i voted correctly!!!


Blogger Anthony said...

The minimum raise measure is attached to same bill as the permanent repealment of the estate tax (for those inheriting several million dollars). It's political hackery at its best. This makes me sick.

(Is it okay if I watch this blog too?)

7:49 PM  
Blogger Bird said...

Hi, friend! Sure! Welcome!

(really, I don't have a right to officially "welcome" you, as this is Peter's blog, but I doubt he will mind... unless he doens't like you. Hmmm... you'll have to ask him...)

4:04 PM  
Blogger Bird said...

Additionally, Peter, glad you are finally owning your (terrible) presidential decisions.

Please now take responsibility for everything else your party has done.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

yes, ma'am, mrs. burns!
and i feel like we are developing a bit of fan club again, like with bruschetta

anyway, i am not sure the estate tax repealment is a bad thing anyway. it is distugsting to think of how much money these people can simply inherit, but i have to admitt it is partially because i think of what a poor college student i am (from carmel). even though, the money they inherit has already been taxed at least once when the first person many years before earned it, and then the investment of the money is always further taxed. it was the same thing with taxing securities, which used to be taxed in a hundred different ways. i am all for relying on the rich (who in turn rely on the poor for their wealth) to bear burden and pay more tax dollars, but it we should be doing it in a way that makes sense, and not just because we can. also, if they can figure a better way to tax the rich, it might produce more tax dollars in totall. many rich estates that know they are being passed on becasue of death or whatever, are being slowly "gifted" away over years. i can't think of what the maximum dollar figure for these TAX FREE gifts are, but if they plan ahead enough, the money can be passed on without being taxed. it is so popular, they even taught us to do it at the kelley school

5:06 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

well, i guess there goes that idea

4:17 AM  
Blogger Jace Mace said...

Peter, don't be a greedy idiot. If Swami wasn't such a nice guy, you'd be making $5.15 an hour. now how many xbox games could you buy on those kind of wages??

"Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society."
~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Ruminate on that one for a bit, friend.

12:54 PM  

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