Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Government sticking its nose in sports' business

I feel if Congress ignorant enough to think the American public wants to have federal laws reguating doping on professional sports teams, they should also work on keeping hockey on network TV. FSN and OLN are the only carriers of NHL games this season, which means I can't watch! Senator Bayh best get the Judiciary Committee on recess and make sure network television picks up the post season!


Blogger Bird said...

Agreed! How am I supposed to follow the hot Sabres if no one shows the games!!! It is APPAULLING!!!

Hey, you know who is a tool: Joe Beyden. At Alito's confirmation hearings, his question was a whopping FOUR THOUSAND WORDS to Alito's one thousand word answer. Insane.

12:44 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

If that is the Republican Senator that was stroking Judge Alito off after he refused to comment on Bush v Gore, I totally agree that the respected Senator was VERY toolish yesterday

3:55 PM  
Blogger Jace Mace said...

Russ Feingold 2008. The rest of the Judiciary Committee can go screw themselves.

8:57 AM  

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