Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Do you know what our friend Peter is telling people?!!!

"my man president bush"- Peter Thomas, July 12 2005

thought, anyone? screams, anyone? strategizes to knock some sense into our delusional friend Peter, anyone?


Blogger Michelle said...

You know Peter, I don't know why you are so ignorant in this regard. Sure, you try to stay moderate - I understand that, because I have tried as well. But there is a difference between being genuinely moderate and ignoring the facts so as to maintain the label of "moderate".

Peter, read "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins, and then come and tell me that the war in Iraq was about more than oil; read about the failing schools under No Child Left behind or talk to someone in TFA and tell me that this is an intelligent act; research what this administration is doing in Venezuela; consider the deficit - and after all of this, come talk to me about how great Bush is.

6:05 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

I realize that "my man President Bush" is not the best president the US has seen; I'll admit that he let me down when he invaded Iraq for Oil (where are all these savings I was promised; I payed over $50 to fill my car with gas). The quote Birdy (aka 'the wedge') is refering to is an email about how proud of the G8 I am in regards to Africa and how proud I am of President Bush and Prime Minister Blair's promise before the G8 to forgive a large ammount of debt to African nations. The president who I voted for got people to talk about education and social security; even though I don't agree with his policies, people are talking about things no one else has had the guts to talk about. One man does not make the laws, policy and ideals in this nation: 288 million people do. While I read John Perkins, you may go talk to the person who cut my hair on Friday, who believes the war in Iraq is more than saving money on oil (he spends now $60 to fill up); he has read of mass graves of 3,000 people found in Iraq and looks at the cruel intentions of the dictator who once lead the nation. I would also say that it is very impressive that the President was able to single handidly ruin the economy in just 5 years; so while I ponder that I'll take into account that a republican president has spent more on health care (even more than defense) and agriculture than any previous administration. Instead of focusing hate on one man who signs paper, maybe we should also look at the people who write those sheets of paper that person signs and look at the people who vote for the people who write those sheets of paper. President Bush is not the person I ideally would have liked to have voted for, but he was my best option... and yes, at times I am proud of the vote I made.

8:23 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I have not said that Bush is the only person doing wrong in this administration. Nor have I manifested all of my hate towards one man. I have not manifested any hate in fact, just disapproval and disappointment. I have always blamed big corporations, and since they are so intertwined with this administration, I dislike the administration very much. Perhaps people are talking about social security, but I disagree that they are really talking about education, because if they were, they would be far more outraged than they are. They may be talking, but it is completely ignorant - and that is not going to get us any further ahead.

9:55 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Oh, and is it Birdy, or Bertie?

9:56 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

Bertie (my Birdy comment was in jest of the way Owen never gets her name right in LiveJournal)

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in regards to Africa and how proud I am of President Bush and Prime Minister Blair's promise before the G8 to forgive a large ammount of debt to African nations.

You`re proud of Bush`s and Blair`s promise "before the G8 to forgive a large amount of debt to African nations"??? Are you kidding? Of course they do! Firstly, they have to, because there is not the slightest perspective that Africa will have enough money to pay back the debts some day. Secondly, Bush and Blair have to improve their warrior image. Thirdly, EVERY nation forgives the biggest part of the debts Africa has. It is not a big deal, it is very common. Just by blowing the thing up in the media, it does not make it anything special.

>Quotation Pete: "Instead of focusing hate on one man who signs paper, maybe we should also look at the people who write those sheets of paper that person signs"< Right, but why should we take away the responsibility from him? He is the president, he has applied for being president, he has applied for taking responsibility. So whatever he signs, eventually he is the man to blame for or cheer to for what he signed. His signature takes him in charge of responsibility and responsibility is what the American people voted him for / what every democratic people in the world votes for.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Bird said...

Wow! What a firey debate-- great discussion!!

(thanks, Michelle, by the by, for helping Peter with the spelling of my name... don't by that Owen bit for a minute!)

Peter, I am going to counter a different part of your commentary, as Michelle and Stefi have done a great job with the War and the G8 summit!

I am particularly upset by your claims that President Bush has been bi-partisan and worked hard to bring all sides together on issues. Regardless of how I personally feel about the man, this statement is just false. Categorically false. THere has not be a more divisive electorate in memory. Look how close the election was, and how boorishly Bush stated when he won that he would not pander to the other side!!!! This man is many things, but a unifer is absolutely not one of them!!!

12:56 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

here is a perfect definition of a fuck stick, bird, joemiller9014, who for some reason thinks because he put his ad at the bottom of our blog we are going to refinance our mortgages. i'll keep him in mind when i am buying my first house sometime in the next 2 years.

10:50 AM  

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