Monday, April 24, 2006

The American/Israel Lobby

Hi, friends!

I think the discussion about the recently published article, "The Israel Lobby", has been pretty interested. I have already discussed NPR's recent story about it ( with several of you. However, I thought that everyone who posts to Big Block might be interested in discussing it further (and when sober! ;).

If you follow the NPR link above, you can listen for free to NPR's story and link to the original article.



Blogger Pete said...

My beliefs the US has/had in Israel in that are/were pro jewish state stem from the following:
2. There are a lot of jews in the US
3. Israel was one of our only allies in the region during the cold war
-I believe this in one of the strongest reasons, seeing as we developed a ton of intelegence (sp) about the Soviets out of our relationship with Israel; the first Soviet made fighter plane which was shot down was gunned down by a US made F-15 flown by the Israely army.
4. The Israelies have the money to pay for our 'support'. I feel if the Palestinians could fork over $80 million for a Joint Strike Fighter, we would sell to them as well.
5. This is kind of akward b/c Jason is Jewish and Stefanie is German

7:12 PM  
Blogger Bird said...

But that just means they have really interesting, novel perspectivs to share!!!

12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete, why is that "kind of awkward"??? Stupid comment.

8:24 AM  

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