Saturday, April 29, 2006

Should English be the US's official language?

Do you think that part of the hostility in the United States concerning immigration-- particularly on our Southern border-- has more to do with xenophobia rather than "security"? Do you think that if we made English our official language, Americans would be less hostile toward immigrants?

I am particularly interested in the discussion surrounding the Spanish-language anthem. Please check out the mp3 audio of this anthem, linked from the following NY Times article:

Monday is the official day designated for immigrants to walk out of their jobs here in the U.S., as a form of protest. I'm worried many of these immigrants will loose their jobs-- what do you think?

Excited for a great discussion,

Monday, April 24, 2006

The American/Israel Lobby

Hi, friends!

I think the discussion about the recently published article, "The Israel Lobby", has been pretty interested. I have already discussed NPR's recent story about it ( with several of you. However, I thought that everyone who posts to Big Block might be interested in discussing it further (and when sober! ;).

If you follow the NPR link above, you can listen for free to NPR's story and link to the original article.
