Thursday, November 03, 2005

IU/Indiana Politics

and yes, if you are looking at the date stamp, I am at work right now, but feel this time to vent is well allocated, 1. because it involves My Man Swamy, and 2. because otherwise I am reorganizing the files Bertie opened the window to blow all over the place and out of order.
So, as many of you, and by many of you, I mean the 3 of us who actually read this crap (although I am not sure if anyone is reading this anymore), know Indiana is somehow divided over the Holy Frackin' Moses timezone 'problem', which I don't even find a problem, considering we are meant to be on Central time!!! We are 13 hours from New York by car and 3 hours from it by plane (as direct as you can get), we are not meant to be on the same damn timezone. It takes 3 hours to fly from NYC to London and they are 5 hours apart! Chicago, on the other hand, is 3 hours away by car! Also, any idiot looking at a map/globe can see that the Eastern timezone takes up too much of North America already! People think the switch to daylight savings time is going to be too confusing and that is why we shouldn't do it; they are right that it will be too confusing, but it is because people from this state like to argue incoherent, unsubstantiated points until they are blue in the face!
Which brings me to point 2. Dean Subbaswamy not being named Chancellor of IU. WTF mate!? And then, everyone being up in arms about it and taking it upon themselves to fight the fight. The letter the faculty are thinking, if you have read it, is rediculious. I am sure I have had at least as few of the professors who plan on signing the letter, and if I ever turned a letter like this in to one of them, they would laugh at me and fail the assignment. The letter is totally opinionated and unsubstantiated. I agree that Swamy would be a great choice for Chancellor of IUB, but you got to put a little more meat into it than just that if you expect to turn some (acutally, just President Herbert's) heads. They also fault the process by siting how crappy Chancellor Brehm was (well, they didn't put it like that); well maybe that is why they are trying to do a really good job this time! And has anyone talked to Swamy about this? Do we know for sure he was on the list to begin with? Do we know he stayed on the list until the end? Do we know if he wants the job? NO! The IDS and Herald Times make like they know what they are talking about, but none of it is even confirmed. For all we know, Swamy is planning on leaving this University at 5pm today at the end of business. And even if he was passes up for Chancellor, how do we know he wants to fight this, or have people fight it for him? I am sure there is an appeal process to the decission, and wouldn't it make sense that if he did want to appeal the decission, he would take it upon himself to do so, instead of having everyone and their mother decide to take it upon themselves to write an incomplete letter without presence or substance?