Sunday, June 19, 2005

The U.S. Single-Payer Universal Health Care Plan

So here is what I came up with in my final paper for Justice and Health Care class; what do you think?

While a number of citizens of the U.S. are able to benefit from a society where the best health care in the world is available to those who can afford it, many of her citizens do not even have the means to benefit from the simplest of medical procedures. The purpose of governments ought to be the protection of its citizens and their rights. How then, can a government protect its citizens without providing adequate health care to keep them alive and well? America has a responsibility to provide every one of its citizens an equal access to health care and continuing support of research and implementation of new technologies, which aid in improving the lives of its citizens. Simply, the United States ought adopt a similar health care plan to that of the Canadians, with emphasis on continuing the excellence in health care research and services the U.S. is famed for.
Many would argue the well-to-do in the U.S. have access to the newest technology and best medical professionals in the world to solve their health problems, but at what cost does it come the rest of society? With, what some say the best, medicine in the world available in the U.S., there were 45 million medically uninsured Americans in 20031; that was 15.6% of her population unable to receive this care. In articulating the U.S. governments responsibility to provide a single-payer system of health care to all of her citizens and to continue research and use of new technological advances in medicine which improves their lives, this paper will discuss one’s universal right to healthcare, the justice of a single-payer system, a commitment to continued research, funding, as well as oppositions to the previous arguments. It will draw from the Canadian system of health care, James Sterba, Norman Daniels and Kai Nielson.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

POst 4

Two to go until Michelle and I school Pete(r) on fgm!!! Woohoo!!!

In the interum, a fun topic-- Peter has a new theory about universal health care and the US as a one tier state... Peter, take it away...

The Indians in the Lobby


Check this out! There is this girl in my GNO corps [that's Greater New Orleans to lay-folk] who looks, sounds, and behaves EXACTLY LIKE DONNATELLA MOSS!

It's so amazing! Maybe I will film her and post it up here.

Or maybe I will become DCS to President Bayh and hire her...

...and fall in love with her.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

6th post eh?

Well, I think that the sixth post could come pretty quickly. Especially if we keep the first five short and to the point (we've already got two)....(Just don't say anything political until the sixth post....focus...FGM). Anyway, I'm in - enrage us, Peter.

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

Hey Guys,
I figure since we are all politically spirited folk, it might be fun to have an open forum amongst us all to vent our opinions (or in Jason's case, the DNC's opinions). Seeing as bruschetta has, well, turned into just that: bruschetta, I figured this might be a change of pace for us... what do you think. The only rule that I am going to throw out there is that FGM is not allowed to come up until the 6th posting!